Mathew Englander (mathew5000) wrote,
Mathew Englander

Top 25 narrative features, 2015

I posted my list of favourite docs yesterday. Here are my 25 favourite new feature-length narrative films watched for the first time in 2015.

1. Son of Saul [Saul fia] (László Nemes, 2015).

2. Magallanes (Salvador del Solar, 2015).

3. Room (Lenny Abrahamson, 2015).

4. Inside Out (Pete Docter, 2015).

5. Ex Machina (Alex Garland, 2015).

6. No Men Beyond This Point (Mark Sawers, 2015).

7. Into the Forest (Patricia Rozema, 2015).

8. A Copy of My Mind (Joko Anwar, 2015).

9. The Second Mother [Que horas ela volta?] (Anna Muylaert, 2015).

10. Our Loved Ones [Les Êtres chers] (Anne Émond, 2015).

11. Boyhood (Richard Linklater, 2014).

12. The Big Short (Adam McKay, 2015).

13. Bridge of Spies (Steven Spielberg, 2015).

14. Victoria (Sebastian Schipper, 2015).

15. The Stanford Prison Experiment (Kyle Patrick Alvarez, 2015).

16. Selma (Ava DuVernay, 2014).

17. Experimenter (Michael Almereyda, 2015).

18. White God [Fehér isten] (Kornél Mundruczó, 2014).

19. The Wave [Bølgen] (Roar Uthaug, 2015).

20. Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong (Emily Ting, 2015).

21. Short Term 12 (Destin Daniel Cretton, 2013).

22. The Interview (Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogen, 2014).

23. The Martian (Ridley Scott, 2015).

24. 11 Minutes (Jerzy Skolimowski, 2015).

25. Sleeping Giant (Andrew Cividino, 2015).

Honourable mentions (alphabetical): Anomalisa (Charlie Kaufman and Duke Johnson, 2015); Bad Words (Jason Bateman, 2013); Cake (Daniel Barnz, 2014); In Her Place (Albert Shin, 2014); The Keeper of Lost Causes [Kvinden i buret] (Mikkel Nørgaard, 2013); Mad Max: Fury Road (George Miller, 2015); The Measure of a Man [La Loi du marché] (Stéphane Brizé, 2015); Phoenix (Christian Petzold, 2014); Tangerine (Sean Baker, 2015); Vincent [Vincent n'a pas d'écailles] (Thomas Salvador, 2014).

Tags: 2015, films, movies

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